The Yamantaka RUL protection amulets and White Mahakala Wealth Treasure Vases will be available on the 24 February 2019 (Sunday) at our Centre. So come join us for pujas and blessings and invite them home! Please bring along your Arrow Banner for the Mahakala Puja, or you can request for one at $21.
White Mahakala Wealth Treasure Vase
White Mahakala is a deity associated with wealth and protection. He is a wrathful emanation of Avalokiteshvara (Guan Yin Bodhisattva) who protects the dharma and protects us from negative forces that deplete wealth. The White Mahakala Wealth Treasure vase which contains sacred contents and consecrated with proper rituals by trained tantric monks has the power to attract wealth and abundance in every area and the protection of wealth.
RÜL – The sacred Maha Vajrabhairava Protection Capsule
RÜL protection capsules are produced in accordance with the Wrathful Deity Vajrabhairava (Tib. Dorje Jikje) ritual of the Buddhist Tantra. Resulting from a series of incantation, meditation, and other rituals, these RÜLs are relied on for their efficacy in eliminating negative obstacles, adversities, and problems, whose remedies are beyond human power. In particular, they provide protection from illness and diseases, arguments and lawsuits, and failure, loss, and bankruptcy in socio-economic fronts. In various Tantric Buddhist communities, families and individuals preserve RÜLs in their homes to dispel the influence of black magic, harmful curses, and negative influences from both humans and non-humans.
This RÜL Protection Capsule is blessed and infused with power through rituals organized by Geshe Lama Konchok and performed by monks, who are trained ritualists from the Gyudmed Tantric Monastery. Ingredients include pure medicinal herbs, sacred substances, and mantra and incantation texts, all purified and infused with protection power by way of rites, rituals, and meditation.
RÜL are normally wrapped in clothes or metal cases and concealed mandatorily in a clean area. The ideal places are to hide it in one’s house, inside walls, or behind images and texts in one’s altar. However, in times of difficulties or when stricken by harms or possessed by negative influences, one can wear it on body preferably anywhere above one’s waistline. While wearing RÜLs or when in its vicinity, one must avoid all negative thoughts, unethical behaviors, and harmful actions.
Dadar (The Arrow Banner)
The Arrow banner is a holy item in the history of Tibetan culture, and it symbolises an object of all favourable circumstances. The tip of the arrow, made with bamboo grown in sacred places, is wrapped with five coloured ribbons which represent the five great victories in subduing the five mental poisons. The five coloured ribbons also symbolise the five types of Dakinis and the prosperity of one’s dynasty. There are three letters on the waist of the arrow which represents the three long life deities and the longevity of one’s life span. The blue ribbons displayed facing towards the sky symbolises power and dignitaries, and the white and maroon feathers symbolise the hero and heroine (the courageous male and female) representing success in all temporary and ultimate wishes. The arrow’s sharpness signifies bravery of life and life’s stability, and the sharpness of the hook represents the accomplishment of the four activities without the accompany of Dharma protectors and deities. A silver mirror which hangs on the arrow represents the nine astrological diagrams, eight trigrams, and the twelve zodiac signs. The arrow adorned with crystal, turquoise and shell symbolise inseparable blessing of gods, nagas and spirits, and the prosperity of food and wealth. The variety of precious jewels also symbolise the sustainability of freshness, nutritious and quintessence of four elements, etc. The arrow also symbolises the Life Arrow of long life and prosperity, the God’s Arrow of the courageous Dakini, the Guru’s arrow of Dharma protection and the Arrow of reliable which surrounds the God-warrior and the abundance of joy and happiness through the establishment of power and virtue.