On 31 August and 1 September 2024 (Sat & Sun) this year, our kind teacher Geshe Lama Konchok will be leading Dharma friends in the annual Eight Mahayana Precepts Retreat. This practice as observed in our tradition is the one introduced by the Buddhist nun Gelongma Palmo (Chi:吉祥比丘尼), who was highly realised in the practice of Chenresig (Chi:观音菩萨) and in particular, the Thousand Armed Chenresig (Chi:千手观音菩萨). Before we go into what the practice entails, it may be helpful to understand the benefits of this practice.
The Eight Precepts practice ranks amongst the most potent of practices to purify past negative karma. It is therefore a practice for anyone who, after having understood the laws of karma, is sincere about purifying past non-virtuous acts of body, speech and mind. It is said that even the most serious of karmas including the karma of killing can, if the Eight Precepts are practised properly, be purified. The karma of killing is actually far more common than we think – abortions immediately come to mind, whereby the karma of killing may well accrue to both parents of the aborted being. The Practice also helps one to develop a respect for the life of others, for their property, their dignity, their right to know the truth and a respect for the clarity of one’s own mind. More generally, the practice of these Precepts helps us develop greater a consideration for others which creates love and respect and which is conducive to helpfulness, non-violence, harmony and unity.
When a practitioner attends the Eight Precepts Retreat, it is a day on which the practitioner abstains from (1) Dishonest Speech, (2) Sexual Activity (not merely Sexual Misconduct), (3) Killing, (4) Taking what is not given, (5) Alcohol, (6) Having Meals after Mid-day, (7) Any form of Entertainment including the playing of music/ singing and (8) Using of luxurious beds or seats. The Retreat also helps positive karma to be accumulated more quickly, and by the same token, have negative karma to be purified, through a group of Dharma practitioners gathering together and sincerely turning their minds to the Dharma.
During the Retreat, practitioners are expected to come to in white coloured attire after having taken a shower in the morning, and Geshe la will lead everyone in the chanting of Chenresig’s Six Syllable Mantra (Om Mani Padme Hung) as well as Chenresig’s Long Dharani in the course of the day whilst everyone observes having a meal before Mid-Day and fasts for the rest of the day.
We hope the above is helpful background especially for those who are contemplating attending the Eight Precepts Retreat. All are welcome, and as ever, please contact us if you have any further queries.
The Maha Tare Team