Naga Vase Offering 2021, 24 Jan 2021


In the year that’s come to pass, in view of the worldwide pandemic, many in our country and around the world have faced not just health, but also social, familial and financial challenges. The Centre therefore hopes that the coming Naga related rituals (see below) will allow us to generate the much needed merits and auspicious conditions for the benefactors as well as the many who are in need. For more background, please refer to the below.

Naga vase offering

According to Buddhist tradition, humans co-exist with countless other living beings in this world, with each living in their respective habitats in the same and/or adjacent world systems. In our tradition, Nagas are a category of deities who reside in this world system alongside us human beings, usually under the earth or in water bodies such as oceans, lakes, rivers and wells. Known for their immense mystical powers, they have an ability to bring rain for farmers, assist married couples wishing for a child, prevent natural calamities, as well as bring auspicious conditions generally, amongst others. Yet, Nagas are themselves not immune to various difficulties mainly caused through contamination of their natural habitat in the form of water pollution, deforestation, etc. So this ritual involves dissolving of Naga vases filled with medicinal herbs and substances, precious stones, blessed pills and printed mantras as an offering into water bodies such as ocean and lakes. This offering of Naga vases brings good health, prosperity, and fame, and is especially helpful in curing skin diseases caused by contamination of our natural environment and water bodies.

Incense offering ritual (Sang-sol)

The main purpose of this ritual is to purify not only our environment but also to seek forgiveness for any negativity created by our unwholesome actions of body, speech and mind, and to clear obstacles and defilements. This offering mainly involves burning of very pure substances such as incense, medicinal herbs etc., to appease divine beings and various classes of deities including dharma protectors and local earthly deities. This offering is aimed at increasing one’s karmic merits, fulfilling wishes that accord with the Dhatma, improving health and prosperity. This ritual involves invocation and prayer accompanied by praises to the Buddhas & Bodhisattvas.

Lungta – prayer flag offering

This practice, which involves hoisting of prayer flags printed with powerful mantras, has its root in the ancient indigenous Tibetan and Indic cultures. The prayer flags, strung in five different colours—blue, yellow, green, red and white—symbolise the five basic elements—wood, fire, earth, water, and iron/space. The fluttering of the flags in the winds carry the teachings of Buddhas and blessings of the Mantras the world over. Prayer flags are hoisted or strung to bring luck, fortune, prosperity and success. We pray that all who partake in these virtuous activities may benefit as will the rest of the world, to whom merits generated shall be dedicated.