Naga Vase Offering 2016, 24 Jan 2016


Geshe Lama Konchok and lamas will be preparing Naga Medicine Vases for the purpose of offering to the Nagas on 24 January 2016 (Sunday) out in the sea. There will also be an incense-burning (Sang) ritual and hoisting of prayer flags at an offshore fish farm.

For all registered participants, please meet at Changi Village Ferry Terminal by 8.30am. Each Naga Medicine Vase will be offered as a donation to the centre at $99.00 per vase. For those who wish to attend the event personally; there is an additional boat fee of $12.00 per pax. Prayer flag is at $8.00 and contribution to the Fire Puja offerings are at $8.00.

Please contact us if you wish to make an offerings and/or attend this event.

Event Details

Date: 24 January 2016 (Sunday)

Time: 8:30am

Meeting Place: Changi Village Ferry Terminal

Enquiry/Registration: Contact Fong 9669 9129 or Katherine 9766 9088 or Kelvin 9681 1326


According to Buddhist tradition, not only humans but countless other living beings inhabit this world, each living in their respective habitat, some below, some over, and yet some above the land surface. It is evident that, either knowingly or unknowingly, we indulged in various actions of body, speech and mind that not only harm our own psycho-physical self and well-being, but also contaminate the environment thereby affecting lives of countless other beings. These negative actions bear on us undesirable results such as dissatisfaction, sickness, separation and death. They lead to loss of wealth, failure in Naga Vasebusiness, deterioration of health, and breakdown in career and others. Our unintentional pollution of natural habitat such as land and water through normal activities like washing, bathing, driving and so forth invites wrath of animals, spirits, Nagas, and local deities, consequently causing natural calamities such as such as epidemics, earthquake, flood, and others.

To make up for all our unintended actions, Maha Tare Buddhist Centre is happy to conduct the following rituals and look forward to your presence and participation.

Naga Vase Puja

According to Buddhism and Indic religions, Nagas are mystical aquatic and subterranean beings that live under the earth or in water bodies such as oceans, lakes, rivers and wells. Known for their immense mystical powers, they bring rain for farmers, enhance fertility in married couples, as well as prevent natural calamities. Yet, Nagas are themselves vulnerable to various difficulties mainly caused through contamination of their natural habitat in form of water pollution, deforestation, etc.  So this ritual involves dissolving of Naga vase filled with medicinal herbs and substances, precious stones, blessed pills and printed mantras as an offering into water bodies such as ocean and lakes. This offering of Naga vase brings good health, prosperity, and fame, and is especially helpful in curing skin diseases caused by contamination of our natural environment and water bodies.

Incense-burning Ritual (Sang-sol)

The main purpose of this ritual is to purify not only our environment but also to seek forgiveness in any negativity created from our daily unwholesome actions of body, speech and mind and to clear away obstacles and defilements. This offering mainly involves burning of very pure substances such as incense, medicinal herbs etc. to appease the divine beings and various classes of deities including dharma protectors and local gods. This offering increases merits, fulfil wishes, improves health and prosperity. This ritual involves invocation and prayer accompanied by praises to Buddha, Bodhisattvas and others including Goddess Tara, Goddess Sitatapatra, Guru Padmasambhava, Je and Tsongkhapa.

Lungta Prayer Flags Offering

This practice, which involves hoisting of prayer flags printed with powerful mantras, has its root in indigenous ancient Tibetan and Indic cultures. The prayer flags, strung in five different colours—blue, yellow, green, red and white—symbolizes the five basic elements—wood, fire, earth, water, and iron/space. The fluttering of the flags is animated, and is thought of as carrying the teachings of Buddha and blessings of the Mantra the world over. Prayer flags are mostly hoisted or strung to bring luck, fortune, prosperity and success.