7th Lunar Month Jungwa Rituals 2020, 19 Aug to 16 Sep 2020

The 7th lunar month this year falls between 19 August 2020 and 16 September 2020. Whilst we are unable to carry out our usual large scale Jungwa Ritual outdoors this year due to the COVID-19, the rituals will carry on as usual at the Centre which will involve prayers twice every day for this duration, for both the departed and living, whose names you are welcome to send to the Centre, for dedication.
The Jungwa ritual is a special Tantric ritual aimed at eradication of all obstacles that block the path of our deceased parents, relatives, friends and other sentient beings. It helps clear the path of release for those deceased beings, whose spirits are languishing in some unfavourable and lesser states of Samsara, and also removes obstacles for those who are still living in this world system. A final ritual will take place on 16 September to transfer merits to those departed so that they may enjoy rebirth in the higher realms.
Anyone who wishes to partake in this meaningful activity is welcome to contact Centre through Kat or Kelvin at the numbers below, to provide the names of those loved ones (whether living or departed) for the ritual. For offerings of fruit, flowers and/ or lights, you are welcome to attend at the Centre personally or request assistance from the Centre.
Donation & Sponsorship

Feel free to contact Kat @97669088 or Kelvin @ 96811326.