Naga Vase Offering 2020, 19 Jan 2020

While we nestle in the comfort of our homes, it is important to remember the less fortunate who also dwell on this earth, for there are many who suffer and are in danger of suffering unimaginable pains. Today, we reflect on the victims of the forest fires that have been raging throughout Australia, and which have continued since September 2019. While experts opine that there is a limit to how much more human effort can help, we as members of the Buddhist community (and more importantly as fellow beings on this earth) must seize the chance to do what we can to help not just the people who have lost their lives and their homes, but also the half a billion or so animals who have died terribly painful deaths. Please will all friends join me in continuing to pray and dedicate these merits to benefit all beings who have been affected the fires. This tragic incident reminds me of an encounter that I witnessed when I was a young monk which I would like to share, if I may. On that occasion, the village was experiencing a terrible drought and the local farmers came to seek help from my late Master. My late Master went to the village to perform the Naga Vase Ritual to seek assistance from the nagas and local deities to bring rain. After the ritual, he received in his meditative visions, indications that the nagas and local deities there were unable to assist in the request but received advice as to whereabouts there were other nagas and local deities who could help. My late Master moved to the location that he was advised of and performed the Naga Vase Ritual again. The rain came to the village. Next Sunday 19 January 2020, together with our tantric monks on secondment from Gyumed Tantric College, I will be leading prayers and make an offering to the Nagas, local spirits, and deities during the Naga Vase Offering ritual. While we are in Singapore, specific prayers and dedication of merits will be made for rains to descend upon Australia. We encourage all friends and members to participate actively in the Naga Vase Offerings, details of which are set out below. May the pain of all the people, animals, and other beings in and around Australia, and those affected the terrible fires, receive relief from their suffering.